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What is the difference between CPVC and PVC pipe?

     CPVC and PVC are made of similar materials, but CPVC has an additional free radical chlorination process that adds chlorine to the material and increases its resiliency in terms of conveying hot materials like water. Another difference is that CPVC is often not a pure white color like PVC. CPVC can be yellowish or off-white in appearance. Each type of piping needs a different type of cement since each bonds a bit differently. People use PVC for conveying cold water and gas or in drainage systems. CPVC carries water that is hotter, as well as a wide range of other materials that PVC cannot handle. As a result, CPVC tends to have a higher cost.

     CPVC also has greater fire resistance than PVC. It does not tend to catch fire as easily as PVC, and it often extinguishes itself if it is not directly sitting in an open flame. Additionally, CPVC resists corrosion for longer periods of time, which is important in many industrial applications. CPVC stands for “chlorinated polyvinyl chloride,” and PVC is simply “polyvinyl chloride.”